Who doesn’t like to have great equipment on them to feel representative, right? Imagine yourself doing some type of sport. It could be basketball, football, karate, anything. It would feel
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Awareness of Yogic Breathing
“Then, the Seer (or He Who Sees) resides in himself, lying in his True Nature. This is called Self-Realization. ” -Patanjali. Yoga teaches us to pay attention to the rhythmic
Practising Yoga Pоѕіtіоnѕ Wіth thе Hеlр оf a Yoga Mat
There аrе mаnу уоgа роѕіtіоnѕ іn the eight limbs оf уоgа. The mоѕt popular іn thеѕе еіght styles іѕ Hаthа yoga. Hоwеvеr, before уоu ѕtаrt wіth аll the bеndіng, еnѕurе
Yoga Poses for Diastasis Recti Recovery
Having a baby within our bodies is an experience that will change us in ways we never imagined possible, and that includes parts of our bodies that we can’t even
Lotus Pose for Stress
The Lotus Pose is one of the most suitable yoga poses for relieving stress, although it might seem simple and quite basic at first glance. Besides being a great stress
How To Modify Your Yoga Practice For Wrist Injuries
As much as we try to protect ourselves and honor our bodies t …
Poses to Increase Balance
Balance in both body and mind is a key part of yoga. We try to juggle so much in our daily lives and end up stretching ourselves too thin. To Continue readingPoses to Increase Balance
Mala Stones And Their Purpose
Mala beads are used to help with different forms of meditation or spiritual practice. Each type of stone helps with a unique purpose, to aid in healing the energies of the Continue readingMala Stones And Their Purpose
Treat Yourself Like You Would Your Best Friend
The older we get, the more baggage we carry with us. But it is the people we meet on the way, the experiences w …